On December 22, 2014 I had the opportunity to participate in a conference call with Josh Gates about his new Travel Channel show: Expedition Unknown. It premieres January 8, 2015. Introduction He began the call by giving us (“us” being bloggers and reporters) an idea of what the show willContinue Reading

Recently my friend Jade sent me an email with a couple of links to paranormal theme cruises sailing in 2014. She knows my penchant for a good haunt jaunt that involves cruising. We’ve already taken one cruise this year. It sailed from San Juan. (a.k.a. one of the tips ofContinue Reading

A couple months back I saw a post in one of my LinkedIn Groups from Elena Sonnino looking for people wanting to be a part of her “Why Do You Travel?” series. I responded and she sent me the details, which were basically as straightforward as that: write a shortContinue Reading

Earlier this week Jane from Dwellable contacted me about being a featured blogger on their site after researching haunted Cape May and finding a Haunt Jaunts post about it. Curious, I checked it out and immediately liked what I saw. I added the “Dwellback” button, then wrote Jane to askContinue Reading

I received an interesting email last week. Another one from producers looking for first person accounts for a new TV show. But what caught my eye about this one was it’s right up my alley: haunted vacations! I started Haunt Jaunts specifically because of encounters I had while on theContinue Reading

Depending on how often you visit our site, you may or may not be aware we updated our header. It’s not a completely new look. Same style as our old one, just with some new photos. We wanted a refreshed look for the New Year. And we had a wholeContinue Reading

Last December, during our trip to Turkey, one of the sites we saw was the House of the Virgin Mary. I’m not a Christian. Partly because I have a hard time believing in the Immaculate Conception. I was pretty ambivalent about whether we saw the Virgin Mary’s house or not.Continue Reading

Over Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I attended a wedding in downtown Nashville. We took I-65 to get there. You know those signs they have over highways these days? The ones that tell you travel times to certain exits or warn of accidents or delays up ahead? I guessContinue Reading

Do you take tours when you travel? Inevitably, it seems we sign up for at least one almost every vacation. Particularly when we’re cruising. We didn’t used to, though. Our first tour was on our Alaskan cruise, and we didn’t sign up until we were already on the boat andContinue Reading

I play tennis with a girl who cringes when I tell her about my vacations. They’re too busy and strenuous for her. Her idea of getting away is planting her bum on a beach under the sun with drink service. That’s like maybe a half day kind of activity forContinue Reading

I was super excited when Ellen and Justin from The Time Crunched Traveler tagged me to participate in the Seven Super Shots series started by Hostelbookers. The Question If you had to sum up your most amazing travel experiences in just seven photos, could you do it? The Answer IContinue Reading

I was very excited to be nominated by Michaela of Awe Inclusive for the ABCs of Travel I’ve seen go around the travel blogosphere for months now. It took me a little while to complete my answers. (Well, not complete them, but get time to give them proper thought andContinue Reading