I’m pleased to invite one and all to Haunt Jaunts first ever group event: Halloween in the Bermuda Triangle with special guest investigators Ghost Eyes aboard Royal Caribbean’s Majesty of the Seas. You can find complete details and booking information on the Halloween Cruise 2012 page. However, let me giveContinue Reading

I love, Love, LOVE when I fly and have a fun flight crew. It’s why I used to love Southwest. (Still do.) They always did (still do) something funny to lighten up the trip. But in the past few years, I’ve noticed other airlines copying the model. Some flight attendantsContinue Reading

When you love the paranormal and travel in search of it, or Haunt Jaunt as I like to call it, you don’t necessarily learn where the best ghosts roam. You’re lucky to experience any paranormal activity. However, you still learn things. (That’s pretty much true for any travel really.) IContinue Reading

This morning, courtesy of Matt Lauer and his “Where in the World” exploits, I traveled to Namibia. It reminds me of Costa Rica in that the people of each country are both very proud and very respectful of their lands. They place an emphasis on environment and education. They realizeContinue Reading

Open Seating

When we flew Flight 1607 from BNA (Nashville) to SAT (San Antonio) we sat in Row 9. After as much luggage could be stowed in it as was going to fit, it was closed –and immediately popped back open. The lady next to me tried to get it to shut.Continue Reading

If you follow this blog, you know how much I love cruising. A reader, who also happens to be a cruise consultant, asked if I’d be interested in doing a paranormal seminar at sea. As in helping coordinate one. Are you kidding? Dream come true! How do I sign up?!Continue Reading

A while back I was asked if I knew of any cruises for paranormal enthusiasts. At the time Gothic Cruise was really the only one I could come up with. There was also another one I didn’t mention: Supernatural Caribbean Cruises. My friend Jade reminded me about it the other day.Continue Reading

I took a ghost tour when we were in New Orleans. But I didn’t book a reservation with any of the tour companies. My dead ancestors guided me around. You see, with my heart of hearts I believe that when I went looking for the ghosts of my ancestors in New Orleans,Continue Reading

At the start of the year, I mentioned that one of the things ahead for Haunt Jaunts in 2011 was a book. Specifically, one along the lines of the Travel Guide for Restless Spirits that I had first originally envisioned Haunt Jaunts to be, well before I decided to put it inContinue Reading

For the most part, I’ve met nothing except wonderful people either when I’m out haunt jaunting or that I’ve met online because of the blog. However, every now and then I come across the person I’ve come to consider a “Paranormal Poser.” TYPES There’s a couple of different types: The “expert”Continue Reading

The other day I asked the question on Haunt Jaunts’ Facebook page: “Do you collect souvenirs on your travels?” I answered it “No,” but then I realized that’s not exactly true.  Photographs count as souvenirs, right? I take a ton of pictures when traveling. I love landscapes and interesting city scenes,Continue Reading

Not only have I met a ton of neat people this past year, I’ve been to a lot of neat places. Some were places I never expected to go. A couple were on my Bucket List. Since it’s Wednesday and I’ve tried to feature images for Wordless Wednesdays this past year,Continue Reading