I saw this article in the Beebee News titled “Amateur Ghost Hunters to Gather in Eureka Springs.” That immediately brought the question to mind: there’s such a thing as a professional ghost hunter? I was not aware of that. What makes someone a professional ghost hunter? Do they go to schoolContinue Reading

This past Halloween I saw something I hadn’t seen in Halloween’s past: debates surrounding ghost tours and haunted houses. Specifically, people protesting them and working to shut them down because they felt they’re disrespectful and/or not politically correct. In year’s past there has been a religious element against ghost tours andContinue Reading

Josh Murphy of Rocket City Paranormal wrote a neat post on his Life of a Ghost Hunter blog earlier this week: Paranormal TV show explosion! Not only did he plead with people to understand that all the ghost hunting shows on TV are for entertainment purposes only, he called out a groupContinue Reading

This past weekend I got to talking with a friend of a friend from Florida about ghosts. She lives in Jacksonville and, knowing I’d once lived there too, asked if I’d heard about the haunted house in Mayport. Nope, but it’s something I noted in my “Look Into for aContinue Reading

Yeah, um…I can’t refrain from using my words. I’ll keep it brief though and post the following pic I took when we lived in Jacksonville, Florida –along with this one question: Is this how Mothmans are made?Continue Reading

Marilyn, one of HJ’s Facebook fans, asked about Psychometry the other day. Here’s what I told her: YES, I actually know someone who has that talent. Sharon/Autumnforest of the blog Ghost Hunting Theories. Here’s a link (hopefully it works) to all the blog’s she’s written about it. http://autumnforestghosthunter.blogspot.com/#uds-search-results Another personContinue Reading

August 2 thru August 6 is designated as Psychic Week. But according to an ABC News story from 2001, many psychics don’t even know there is such a week in their honor. Or didn’t. However, I’m thinking not much has changed in the last nine years because, even as nutsContinue Reading

I’m really excited to be a part of Chateau Grrr’s “Cruise Against Lymphoma” Raffle. I mentioned this the other day, but now I’m free to promote it like crazy because tickets have gone on sale. From now until 7 p.m. on Saturday August 14, 2010 you can buy a $25Continue Reading

What really fascinates me is different perception of paranormal activities, psychic abilities and magick practises in different areas of the World. Have you – living in your little corner of the Planet – ever thought that what you consider pretty normal, can be deadly somewhere else? Allow me to takeContinue Reading

I’ve posted yet another topic under HJ’s FB Discussions: “Do you feel haunted places in your area are underrated?“ It was inspired by conversations I’ve had on Twitter with people like @Thor_2000, @JenBlaney, and most recently @BoyEatsGurl. Thor was probably the first one to really start it. Ever since I’veContinue Reading

I posted a new Discussions topic on the HJ FB Page: “Spirits Who Help: Ghosts or Angels?” Here’s what I posted there: I’ve been contemplating this for a long time. I always enjoy the Guardian Angel stories in Woman’s World, but am sometimes perplexed by Doreen Virtue’s suggestions. She oftenContinue Reading

I love the Discussions feature on Facebook. I recently added two new discussion topics: Paranormal Blundering and Cemeteries. (Well, I say two new. They’re actually the first for the new Facebook page. The old one had a couple of others.) Anyway, they were inspired by two posts from recent guestContinue Reading