Spring Fever has hit the paranormal world. After hibernating through what was a cold, snowy winter in most parts, paranormal enthusiasts are ready to get out and get their haunts on. If you’re looking for some neat workshops and events, here’s several I’ve come across that sound like spooky goodContinue Reading

  I can’t help it. I’m obsessed with April. Specifically, the doom and chaos that seems to accompany it. Please Don’t Take Offense Last year when I shared my view that April is a cursed month it put a lot of people off. I can see why some people withContinue Reading

I don’t know if I can classify Aaron Sagers, editor of TAPS Paramagazine, as my friend. He’s shaping up to be more of a mentor. Not only did he hook me up with my sweet Kris Williams interview, he helped me get an article published in this month’s issue ofContinue Reading

Everyone has their most haunted cities lists, don’t they? In honor of Valentine’s Day I thought it’d be fun to recap the 14 most romantic haunted cities we’ve  jaunted to so far. (14 for February 14, get it?) You won’t see too many big cities on my list. Chicago and New YorkContinue Reading

I know Valentine’s Day makes some people sick. Singles hate it for obvious reasons. But there’s even those of us in committed relationships who feel like we’re fixing to OD on all the sentimental sappiness prevalent at this time of year. And then there’s those of us who don’t exactlyContinue Reading

Saguenay was one of the ports we visited this past September on our 10 day New England and Canada cruise.  I had never heard of it before we booked our cruise so I didn’t exactly know what to expect. All I knew was that it would be the first ofContinue Reading

I have a confession to make. My name is Courtney Mroch and I’m a 40 year old woman who’s never stopped believeing in Santa Claus. I forget how old I was when my dad finally broke the news about Santa’s real identity. I couldn’t believe it. It sort of madeContinue Reading

I’ve had the pleasure to come to know a lot of really neat people this past year and a  half since I’ve been blogging as the Director of Paranormal Tourism for Haunt Jaunts. As I’ve been shopping this holiday season I’ve come across things that have made me think ofContinue Reading

This holiday season as I perused the many catalogs that filled my mailbox, I came across a lot of neat things that appealed to my macabre sensibilities. Some things I was able to find on Amazon. If that was the case, I immediately added them to the Holiday section of the Haunt Jaunts Emporium.Continue Reading

Has anyone heard of the Christmas tree ship? Perhaps some of the old timers have. From 1898 till 1912, Captain Schuenemann was the skipper of the Christmas Tree Ship. Bringing hundreds of Christmas trees across Lake Michigan to Chicago area residents, the skipper was known for his generosity and wasContinue Reading

While I was searching out haunted Christmas-named places I came across a delightful Christmas ghost story: the tale of the Mistletoe Bride. It hails from England, a land rich in wonderful ghost stories. I came across it while searching for haunted places named “Mistletoe.” That search led me to “TheContinue Reading

Last year I got to wondering about haunted Christmas places. You know, places that have Christmas-themed names? Like North Pole, Alaska or Santa Claus, Indiana. Did any of them have reports of paranormal activity? But that’s all I ever did was wonder about it. I never took the time toContinue Reading