OMG! OMG! OMG! I love when movie clips like the one for Grave Encounters come to my attention. The film’s producer, Shawn Angelski, actually shared it with me himself. Don’t know how he found me, but I am SO happy he did. This movie looks freaking great! Here’s the analogyContinue Reading

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Anyone who knows what it can do, which is snatch your life away without a moment’s hestitation. I saw the trailer for the upcoming Red Riding Hood movie on Paranormal Romance and was instantly intrigued. Apparently in this adaptation there’s an added complication.Continue Reading

Remember back in the day when ushers at movie theaters used to direct you to your seat with the aid of a flashlight? (Well, maybe some of you won’t. I really don’t. I think they’d done away with such courtesy by the time I started going to movies. But I’veContinue Reading

People seem to get freaked out by dolls so, with Halloween looming, I thought that’d make a good Halloween week Movie Monday offering. I tried to find some of the freakiest, creepiest doll video clips on YouTube that I could. Here’s three that I thought were great. Very atmospheric and haunting –inContinue Reading

I thought I’d do something a little different again for Movie Monday: list the horror movies I’m watching this Halloween season. It was  inspired by last week’s Movie Monday Party Express stop to Nate’s Peer Review and his Part 1 review of Halloween film classics, as well as by some ofContinue Reading

  I’m doing something a little different this Movie Monday. Rather than featuring a movie, I’m featuring a blog that reviews them. It’s called Nate’s Peer Review and it’s maintained by my friend Nate Phillips. Nate graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Film & Video Studies. HisContinue Reading

Hello! My name is Courtney Mroch and I’m the Director of Paranormal Tourism at Haunt Jaunts. If you’ve found your way here via Mrs. B’s 31 Days of Halloween Haunted Blog Tour: WELCOME! Likewise, if you’ve found your way here because you follow anyway or you heard about the giveaway,Continue Reading

The Daily News wrote about how the “Devil” trailer evoked laughs from the audience at an “Inception” screening, but the article ended with this glimmer of hope: “Its mysterious nature…suggest that Shyamalan is planning a return to form.” I’m hoping so. The Sixth Sense was so WOW! Unbreakable was okay.Continue Reading

This evening we set sail on our fourth cruise. This will be our longest one yet: 10 days aboard Holland America’s Ms. Eurodam bound for Canada and New England. We’ve never traveled Holland America before. The last three cruises have all been on Carnival. We might’ve sailed with Carnival againContinue Reading

Braaaaaains…. Oh, do I love me my zombies. Thanks to Facebook, I leaned of Days of the Living Dead, a haunted house reality web series. Here’s a snippet to sum it up as posted in a tubefilter news article by Jenni Powell: The show follows a rag tag group ofContinue Reading

Okay, thanks to an add on Facebook for Let Me In (which ended up leading me to another movie, Monsters) I have a double-feature Movie Monday post to share today. LET ME IN The Let Me In Facebook ad caught my eye because it reminded me of a pretty decentContinue Reading

A new friend on Facebook, Karishma Patel, suggested I join the group “The Sky Has Fallen – New Horror Movie.” I’m always game to learn about new horror movies, so I checked it out. Once I did I not only joined the group but knew I’d have something to featureContinue Reading