Last year I wrote about five popular real haunted places that also have top Halloween haunted houses.  I got to thinking about it the other day when I was reading a copy of Woman’s World magazine. In their Getaway section they had a “Get Scared, America!” article that listed eightContinue Reading

A couple of months ago, I wrote about how a fellow Jaunter, who also happens to be a cruise professional, approached me and asked if I’d be interested in helping to plan a paranormal cruise at sea. We’ve been working out the details and have now narrowed it down toContinue Reading

  According to, the following 13 were voted the Scariest Haunted Houses in the U.S. for 2011: Headless Horseman, Ulster Park, New York, Cutting Edge Haunted House, Ft. Worth, TX, Scarehouse, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The Beast & Edge of Hell, Kansas City, Missouri, Night Of Terror,Continue Reading

Shortly after the World Trade Center fell, I remember hearing people say they went to the site. As in they specifically took vacations to New York to see Ground Zero. I found that disturbing. I admit, yes, I am all about the dark tourism. Heaven knows I have traveled toContinue Reading

Ninety-nine years ago yesterday Titanic struck an iceberg just before midnight on April 14, 1912. When it sank a short time later, at 2:20 a.m. on April 15, 1912, it claimed the lives of over 1,500 people. Last September we took a 10-day Canada/New England cruise. We started in New York and ended in QuebecContinue Reading

< p style=”text-align: center;”> SCARED!’s Brian, Chris, and especially Brooke have been amazing to me this past year. Whenever I get a chance to support them and let them know how much I admire and respect them, guess what? I don’t hesitate.   It recently came to my attention I haveContinue Reading

I have a confession to make. My name is Courtney Mroch and I’m a 40 year old woman who’s never stopped believeing in Santa Claus. I forget how old I was when my dad finally broke the news about Santa’s real identity. I couldn’t believe it. It sort of madeContinue Reading

  I’m devastated. Last night one of my friends I play volleyball with confirmed something I had started to fear over the weekend: even if the recovery disk gets my crashed computer restarted, it’ll do so with a clean slate. Meaning, anything I didn’t backup will be wiped out. DREADEDContinue Reading

There are all kinds of lists out at this time of year, such as best scary movies, best costumes, and of course, best haunted houses. Last year I confessed about my problem with Halloween haunted houses. Basically, they freak me out. Literally. I go into major meltdown mode trying to getContinue Reading

I was lucky enough to get some advanced info about tonight’s Ghost Adventures Rolling Hills Asylum episode. Included was the above picture. My first thought was, “Why the heck are they dressed like that? What kind of role playing shenanigans are they up to this time?” Well, as I watchedContinue Reading

Do you ever see things that make you think of people you know? Me too! Like last week’s Mothman conception pics, I’m once again attempting to participate in Wordless Wednesday. Sort of. I once again find the need to use a few words to explain myself. But I’m also attemptingContinue Reading

During the New York City portion of our 10 day Canada/New England jaunt, my husband and I decided to do something completely touristy: take a double decker bus tour. (a.k.a. the “hop on, hop off” tour.) It turned out to be the best investment we could have made given theContinue Reading