I play tennis with a girl who cringes when I tell her about my vacations. They’re too busy and strenuous for her. Her idea of getting away is planting her bum on a beach under the sun with drink service. That’s like maybe a half day kind of activity forContinue Reading

Mysterious Phantom Mens Adult Costume This past Friday May 25, 2012 the musical Phantom of the Opera celebrated it’s 25th anniversary. It might be a pretty obscure anniversary to some (okay, most), but it was something I wanted to write about. But how to tie it in to a travelContinue Reading

  Over a year ago, Haunt Jaunts signed up for Crazy Dog TShirts‘s affiliate program. The reason I applied was in part because of the shirt I’m modeling above. The Friday the 13th series is one of my faves. (Well, I really only love one through three, but will watch theContinue Reading

One of the stops on our day trip Bosphorus Cruise was to a tiny fishing village where the Maramara Sea and Black Sea meet: Poyrazköy. I have been wanting to share these photos for a while. I finally decided “Why not for the Travel Photo Thursday that Budget Travelers SandboxContinue Reading

You’ve likely heard the expression “When pigs fly!” right? Well, it’s a good thing “swim” was not the word choice. If that was the case, an awful lot of people would be SOL if they had said they wouldn’t do something or that something couldn’t happen until pigs swam. IContinue Reading

In the realm of the paranormal community overall, this little blog of mine is just that: little. However, small as I may be, I feel I have responsibilities. Such as: Playing nice with others. I don’t hesitate to call people out if it’s obvious they’re acting fraudulently, running a scam,Continue Reading

This weekend I had the chance to watch Vanishing on 7th Street starring Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, John Leguizamo, and Jacob Latimore. I had never heard of it until it popped up as a suggestion in my Blockbuster queue associated with either Skyline or The Darkest Hour or both. (Can’tContinue Reading

A few weeks back, either Bio or the History Channel (I forget which now) reran Haunted History: Caribbean. I DVRed it because I was curious if they would mention any haunts on Nassau, one of the ports of call on the Haunt Jaunts Halloween in the Bermuda Triangle Cruise. Nope. IContinue Reading

According to a Visionary Living, Inc. article by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, full moons may “dampen” paranormal activity. The earth expands 1/16 of an inch during the full moon’s gravitational pull. The expansion is caused by the movement of magma chambers below the earth’s surface. These movements affect the earth’s magneticContinue Reading

The other day I got an email from a Researcher/Booker with the show My Ghost Story. I was pretty excited because I’m a ham and would love to be on TV. I’ve often thought I’d like to tell about my experience at the Shilo Inn. I’m biased, but I thinkContinue Reading

Hello! My name is Emma Rae Curtis, and I’m a huge fan of Halloween. I blame it completely on my wonderfully active imagination. I’ve had it ever since I was a little girl, and there’s been no looking back. It is a big part of who I am. Halloween hasContinue Reading