I recruited a tennis buddy to help me with the next Haunt Jaunts Spooktacular Halloween Blog Party Giveaway. After practice I had her record me doing something we do before games: spin the racket to choose serve or side.  Make the right call and, if your name’s drawn,Continue Reading

Yesterday I had to take my cat Mr. Meow in for some blood work. As we pulled up to the vet’s office we found it had been transformed for Halloween. It had taken on a rather haunted appearance. The bushes out front were covered in cobwebs, and poking out ofContinue Reading

When my friend Kim was here a couple of weeks ago for the surprise birthday party my husband threw me, I took her to Centennial Park to show her the Parthenon. It’s really quite a spectacular sight and one I recommend anyone visiting Nashville to check out. There’s a museumContinue Reading

I was driving to tennis the other day when I spotted these Pumpkinbales on the side of the road. Of course I had to stop and get a pic. (If you read this, Coach Beth, I saw them on the way to clinic but I actually stopped to take photosContinue Reading

I’m having a bit of a fit. You see, I want to “serve” some goodies at my party. (You can’t very well have a party without grub, can you?) I thought it’d be fun to make one of the giveaways a Halloween-themed food gift basket. But I can’t decide whichContinue Reading

Earlier this year Davis Graveyard conducted a survey trying to assess what kinds of things people would be most interested in learning about home haunting. I filled it out because (a) For as long as I’ve kept it (which has been a couple decades now), I’ve always had “Do myContinue Reading

LM and her intrepid crew of Haunt Spots Explorers have made their own personal paranormal connection.Continue Reading