Yesterday I wrote about the K2 craziness in Old South Pittsburgh Hospital’s basement. It prompted me to go back through the pictures and that’s when I was reminded of something that creeped me out bad when I was there. It was not the uneasy feeling I got by the nurseryContinue Reading

I previously wrote about the four experiences I had on the third floor of the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital, but I was going through some notes and was reminded about the crazy K2 experiences in the basement I meant to also write about. Whoops! Well, better late than never! THEContinue Reading

Josh Murphy of Rocket City Paranormal wrote a neat post on his Life of a Ghost Hunter blog earlier this week: Paranormal TV show explosion! Not only did he plead with people to understand that all the ghost hunting shows on TV are for entertainment purposes only, he called out a groupContinue Reading

Today’s “Get a load of this while I’m on vacation” post came courtesy to me via one of HJ’s newest Halloween Blog Party guests, Merricat from Blackwood. She left a comment on my post “The Real Housewives on Ghost Hunters?”about a group of ladies known as the Paranormal Housewives. ApparentlyContinue Reading

August 26 is National Dog Day and in honor of it I thought it’d be fun to write about some pet friendly haunt jaunts. I always like to take my Murph (pictured above) along on jaunts with me when the haunts will allow. I try to keep a list ofContinue Reading

I finally have some time to write about my haunt jaunt to the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital. I know I’ve written about it before, but only about the superficial stuff. (Who invited me, who else was there, general impressions, and how hot it was!) But this post is about theContinue Reading

As I was watching King of the Lost World this morning on Syfy I saw an ad for the new season of Ghost Hunters starting August 25. I did a double take when I saw who some of their special guests were going to be: some of the ladies fromContinue Reading

Back in June, Steve Vaughn of Ghost Eyes invited me along on a paranormal investigation he’d put together to the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital in South Pittsburgh, Tennessee. He said it’d make for a “great haunted jaunt.” An overnight one at that. I’ve been following the adventures Autumnforest of GhostContinue Reading

“Believers” isn’t a movie, but it involves ghosts on a screen of sorts so I figured it’d make a good topic for Movie Monday. If you’re a fan of the show, you may already follow “Believers” on Facebook. If you do, then you probably also know their show got pickedContinue Reading

Someone asked me the other day, “So you like to hunt ghosts. Have you ever had any experiences?” “Yes.” “Really? What kind of equipment did you use? Did you capture it at all?” “I’m not that kind of ghost hunter. I’m what I refer to as a Haunt Jaunter.” “AContinue Reading

If you think investigating the paranormal looks everywhere the same, think again. As a person dealing with paranormal in Poland, I have a lot of problems each day. Sit down kids and listen to the story uncle Nathan prepared for you about hunting ghosts in Poland :). Getting cases BeforeContinue Reading

Are animals sensitive to paranormal activity? Animal Planet seems to think so.Continue Reading