Spooked Scotland cover

‘Tis the season for new show reveals, both here in the U.S. and elsewhere. Across the pond, Really is the network equivalent of Travel Channel. Basically. And just as Travel Channel and discovery+ recently revealed more of its 2022 paranormal programming, so did Really and discovery+ UK. One of theirContinue Reading

Jack Osbourne and Katrina Weidman Portals to Hell season 2

The third and current season of Portals to Hell features at least three historical haunted places that have never before been investigated on national television.  I say at least because we only know where they are heading eight episodes in to the season.  There’s likely a second half with eightContinue Reading

Travel the Dead poster

Veteran paranormal investigator Katrina Weidman first rose to fame on A&E’s Paranormal State. She currently co-stars in Travel Channel’s Portals to Hell with fellow investigator Jack Osbourne. However, on Thursday, April 21, Weidman released a trailer for a new show on her YouTube channel: Travel The Dead. It’s set toContinue Reading

Amy's Crypt graphic

You know you’re doing something right when you inspire fans like Amy’s Crypt has inspired our next guest contributor, Adam Seaman. He took it to the next level and created a Google Map plotting all of the locations Amy and Jared have investigated. Let’s check it out. Amy’s Crypt GoogleContinue Reading