I’m taking a break from my regularly scheduled programming (if I even really have such a thing?) to write about the very special box that came in the mail from one of my very dearest of friends, Mommy D. (You might know her as Dinell, the mastermind behind Mommy D’sContinue Reading

Wednesday was not a very good day for me. I’ve been having some new health issues unrelated (I hope) to my cancer. I had my three month checkup this past Tuesday and asked my oncologist about them, though. He told me to go see my primary, who got me inContinue Reading

From time to time I like to Haunt Jaunt around the Blogosphere and point out noteworthy blogs. Today I have three: Para-Blog, Paranormal Curiosity, and Weekly Spectre. It’s been a while since I grouped more than one blog into a Blogosphere jaunt (Halloween was the last time), but these threeContinue Reading