Emerian Rich, who is affectionately known as Emz, has guest contributed for us before, has a story in our Shadow People and Cursed Objects: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they? anthology, has been on our show…and will be back November 14, 2017 to discuss the bookContinue Reading

Burying a witch must be performed under the same cautionary conditions as burying a vampire — that is, going to extreme lengths to ensure they never come back again to haunt the town that put them underground in the first place. While vampires were buried with stakes to the heart,Continue Reading

I don’t know why, but Dublin evokes quintessential Irish city life in my mind. Whatever that means, since I’ve never been to Ireland before and “city life” isn’t what most people associate with Ireland anyway. (Red-haired, hot-tempered, whiskey and Guinness drinkers with stories about Leprechauns who meet in the pubContinue Reading

We’re excited to publish this wonderful guest post courtesy of Steven P. Unger, the best-selling author of In the Footsteps of Dracula: A Personal Journey and Travel Guide. I wrote this article on New Orleans as an homage to one of my favorite cities, one still fresh in my mindContinue Reading

In January 2011 I wrote about a then-unreleased movie called Midnight Son that had come to my attention. I had lamented about the vampire genre being like vampires and refusing to die. However, judging by the trailer, this movie showed promise of offering something fresh. I had forgotten about MidnightContinue Reading

At the beginning of last year, I wrote about a new vampire movie trying to be released called Midnight Son. One of the producers contacted me recently to let me know it had finally been released and where people could find it. As per the email, I’m pleased to passContinue Reading

I don’t know why people are so fascinated with vampires still. Just when I think the genre is surely going to die, nope.  Along comes yet another film trying to put a fresh spin on it. A new vampire movie that came to my attention recently via Twitter is MidnightContinue Reading

Okay, thanks to an add on Facebook for Let Me In (which ended up leading me to another movie, Monsters) I have a double-feature Movie Monday post to share today. LET ME IN The Let Me In Facebook ad caught my eye because it reminded me of a pretty decentContinue Reading

A PR person representing BBC America shared an inside look video about tonight’s second season premier of Being Human. I had never heard of the show, but this certainly caught my attention: This witty yet terrifying series follows three twenty-something’s and their secret double-lives – as a werewolf, a vampire,Continue Reading