Today this Herald Journal article caught my eye: “Travel Channel, HBO confirm filming in Cache Valley.” Pretty innocuous title, right? You may be wondering why it appealed to me. It had to do with this description that accompanied the title in my feed: The “Ghost Adventures” episode will be partContinue Reading

Did I do more than perhaps experience the ghost children at the Shilo Inn when I stayed there? Did I perhaps capture a picture of a ghost? I believed I had never even taken any photos with “orbs” in them. (“Orbs” are in quotes because I think 99% of onesContinue Reading

  In addition to ghosts, I’m nuts about zombies. That’s why I got really excited when this past summer I saw an ad for a zombie run. Actually, it’s not just a zombie run. It’s an obstacle course “infested” with zombies. I’ve been raving about it since then, which hasContinue Reading

It’s been almost 13 years since I went to Salt Lake City,  but it left an impression on me. Not only because of my spooky nights at the Shiloh Inn, but also because it was such a wonderful city to explore in the evenings after my work was done. I thoroughlyContinue Reading

One of HJ’s very first blog posts was Spooky Nights at the Shiloh Inn. The haunting experiences I had while staying there have turned out to be among the first jaunts I ever took. Except, I hadn’t set out to have a haunted jaunt. This was before I started travelingContinue Reading

In 1998, I worked for the law firm Snell & Wilmer in Phoenix, Arizona. I worked in Bankruptcy at the time, but business was slow back then. Because we had a minimum hours requirement and I was having trouble meeting mine, I was “loaned out” to another practice group. Funny,Continue Reading