Live-action Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine

If you’re all about seeing a live-action Scooby-Doo series on streaming somewhere, you may be in luck. The Hollywood Reporter recently dropped deets about such a project in the works at Netflix. It’s not a done deal yet, but they said it’s close. Apparently, it has “a script-to-series commitment atContinue Reading

Smalls with Scooby-Doo bag and other Lovepop haunted house

Do you like playing games? Me too! That’s why I’m excited about the new Spirited Fun & Games page we recently added to the site. So excited, in fact, that I decided to host a Haunted Fun and Games giveaway to help promote it! Well, that and because Haunt JauntsContinue Reading

Chia Pet Stranger Things Dustin

This post contains affiliate links. See affiliate disclaimer here.  Long before chia seeds became a trendy health food add-in, there were Chia Pets. Which, side note, you definitely would not want to eat. They’re meant for growing, not consuming. In case you were thinking, “Hmm…I could have a cool chiaContinue Reading

Warning: If you grew up watching Scooby Doo and Sesame Street, and/or remember visiting the Haunted Mansion in the 1970s, prepare to feel old. At least that’s how I felt when I realized all three are turning 50 this year. (Because it’s a reminder I’m right behind them.) But, yep,Continue Reading

Scooby Doo sleuth

Some people may have different ways of filling in after the “….” How about you? Here’s what I say: It’s never been as good as the 1969 and 1972 episodes. Maybe the 1976 too. Scrappy Doo was okay, but it started going downhill from there. Where is all this comingContinue Reading

I came by my love of mysteries and the paranormal (and maybe even haunted travels?) honestly: via TV in the form of a lovable little cartoon called Scooby Doo.  I wondered what Scooby Doo characters might say about the Haunt Jaunts Halloween in the Bermuda Triangle Cruise. I found aContinue Reading

The Occult Section is to blame for this post. They included a picture of Sigmund the Sea Monster in an article they wrote about a 55 foot sea monster washing up in China. It brought back a slew of childhood memories of paranormal TV shows from the 1970s. It alsoContinue Reading

Much to my cat’s chagrin, I found an assistant as I was out and about running errands today. One I thought would put the “Spooktacular” in the Halloween Blog Party: Scooby Doo! Scooby comes complete with party pouch and everything. (A handy tool come prize giveaway drawing time.) I wasContinue Reading

Over the July 4th weekend we finally had a chance to make it up to St. Louis to visit our good friends. We had a blast! St. Louis is a neat place. There’s tons to do, but we were limited on time. (We got in early Saturday afternoon and leftContinue Reading