Okay, before I begin let me offer this disclaimer: A “real” haunted place is a tricky beast to define. As I’ve written about before, there really is no such thing as an “officially” haunted place. However, for the purpose of this post, the places mentioned herein are ones highly regardedContinue Reading

Previously I wrote about things we saw on our Haunt Jaunt to St. Louis, one of which was the Lemp Mansion. I decided to take some video while we were there. I was hoping to play around with creating a travel commentary of sorts. However, I couldn’t get my cameraContinue Reading

Over the July 4th weekend we finally had a chance to make it up to St. Louis to visit our good friends. We had a blast! St. Louis is a neat place. There’s tons to do, but we were limited on time. (We got in early Saturday afternoon and leftContinue Reading