When we first created our Haunted Places section (which has been several years back now), we had big plans for it. Trouble was, our initial vision also entailed big work…that we never got around to. Until now… With a few tweaks, of course. What we first foresaw has now evolvedContinue Reading

Yesterday we shared on our Facebook page that we had gotten our first customer reviews of our anthology, Shadow People and Cursed Objects: 13 Tales of Terror Based on True Stories…or are they?. Two, and both were five-stars! That was super exciting. Here’s what Courtney wrote on her personal FacebookContinue Reading

To celebrate the release of Shadow People and Cursed Objects, we’re going to give away free copies to all newsletter subscribers. That’s right. FREE! And since it’s available in both paperback and Kindle, it’ll be Subscriber’s Choice. If you prefer Kindle, great. That’s what we’ll give you. Like the feelingContinue Reading

As explained on the Anthologies page, the release of the Shadow People and Cursed Objects anthology has now been pushed for the third time. Originally it was intended to come out by September 25, 2015. Then we re-grouped and aimed for December 1, 2015. Now we’re looking at February 1,Continue Reading

Have you visited our Haunt Jaunts Halloween Scareporium lately? We sort of revamped it for Halloween 2015. Here’s some of what you’ll find: Updated Costumes After a slight site meltdown where 70% of our links went blank, we spent most of September refurbishing the Men’s Costumes, Women’s Costumes, and Couple’sContinue Reading

As I explained today over at the Scareporium and on HJ’s FB page, today we put the finishing touches on the Scareporium. Two weeks ago we noticed a major SNAFU. Broken links littered throughout the site prompting a “Site down! Site down!” fire drill. Ugh. Major headache. I knew IContinue Reading

For some, the end of the year or the start of a new one signifies a time of renewal, a time to make changes. For others, spring is the time to clean up and put a fresh face on things. For me, it’s Fall. I’ve been wanting to freshen upContinue Reading

It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned our Shadow People and Cursed Objects Anthology. I’ve had some inquiries from those who’ve made submissions. I figured it was worth creating an update post to let people know where the process sits: Submissions closed July 31, 2015. The response was overwhelming. Literally.Continue Reading

Just wanted to post a quick update about the Shadow People and Cursed Objects anthology that we’re still accepting submissions for. Submissions Wow! The response to the call for submissions has far exceeded my expectations. I was hoping for as many as 10, but figured I’d be lucky to justContinue Reading

In honor of HJ’s 6th Anniversary, and to honor the release of my book, The Ghost of Laurie Floyd, I’m hosting a book giveaway. I chose a smattering of books, some fiction, some non-fiction. Some having to do with ghosts and hauntings, some having to do with zombies and otherContinue Reading

I almost let HJ’s anniversary pass without any fan fare. For shame! Yes, I’ve neglected Haunt Jaunts something fierce the last couple of years. I’m not dedicated about posting 4-6 times a week like I was when I first started back in April 2009. (Although this week I’m coming close.Continue Reading

If you receive the Haunt Jaunts weekly summary of posts, you may be wondering why you haven’t seen it in your email much the last few months. (If you don’t get it but would like to receive a list of all the posts made each week, see the “Subscribe2” sectionContinue Reading