I learned of a book I’d never heard of before this holiday season: The Twelve Terrors of Christmas by John Updike. It caught my eye because it’s illustrated by one of my favorite artists, Edward Gorey. I haven’t read it yet, but some of the reviews make me want to.Continue Reading

I get a ton of catalogs in the months leading up to Christmas. One of my favorite things to do is make a list of all the coolest and most unique gift ideas, gadgets and toys I come across every year. Some years the same things show up on the list.Continue Reading

   I put together a “For Ghost Enthusiasts” section under the Holiday Gift Ideas area of the Haunt Jaunts Emporium. I thought it’d be fun to highlight some of the best gifts, so voila: here’s a 20 great holiday gift ideas for ghost lovers list. If you’re still looking forContinue Reading

On Tuesday I posed this question on HJ’s Facebook page: Here’s what I want to know: who thinks (a) shopping on Black Friday is one of the most exhilarating days of the year and already has their game plan in place and alarm set, or (b) thinks shopping on BlackContinue Reading

I had never heard of Christmas crackers until a few years ago. We were living in Jacksonville at the time. It was one of the years we didn’t go back to Denver to be with our family for the holidays. A couple we’d met through swim team invited us toContinue Reading

Times are tight right? Lots of people are looking for ways to stretch their money as far as possible and get the most out of their investments. And then there’s the whole “reduce, reuse, recycle” phenomenon. I’m only semi-frugal and green by nature, but I can appreciate ingenuity. That’s whyContinue Reading

I kind of want a new camera for Christmas. Sort of. I’ve really developed a fascination with both photography and videography lately so I’m torn about whether I want a new camera or a camcorder. OLD CAMERA I’ve never had a camcorder before. I only got my first digital camera a fewContinue Reading

I woke up Christmas morning and made a Haunt Jaunt to the Christmas tree. To my delight, I unwrapped a bounty of cool ghost gifts! SPOOKTASTIC READING My friend Jade sent me this book for Christmas. I am REALLY excited to read it. I had never heard of it before,Continue Reading

Haunt Jaunts extends Season’s Greetings to all! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, or nothing in particular, we wish you and yours Happy Holidays. And we hope you enjoy the slower pace today brings…unless of course you have family galore and find yourselves rushing to and fro. (WhenContinue Reading

There’s no going back now. Whether you’ve been naughty or nice, your fate is sealed. The NoN List is in Santa’s hot little hands, and guess what else those hands are busy doing? Yep, guiding his sleigh. That’s right. According to NORAD’s Santa Tracker, Santa’s already up and about. AsContinue Reading

I know in my Black Friday post last week I admitted I’m not much of a shopper. Yet not only did that post focus on shopping, but so did my second Friday Fun post from last week about Unique Christmas Gifts. Guess what? Today’s Friday Fun is also shopping-oriented.(Hey, ’tisContinue Reading

Continuing the Friday Fun Black Friday Shopping Spree, I decided to put together a list of products I’ve come across that would make unique Christmas gifts. These would make excellent presents for those people in your life that are either (a) hard to buy for because they have everything, orContinue Reading