Today I stumbled across a pretty good article on Digg called “Someone Grab Scooby–Doo: The World’s Most Haunted Landmarks.” What I liked most about the article: the pics and details of the ghosts supposedly haunting each haunted landmark. What I didn’t like about the article: I was surprised some placesContinue Reading

If you’re a fan of the Sci Fi Channel’s Ghost Hunters like I am, then you know last week they investigated a very unusual spot: The Georgia Aquarium, which had been one of the stops for the traveling Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition. A HAUNTED EXHIBIT? Man, I sure wish IContinue Reading

What is Haunt Jaunts? Simply put, it’s a travel blog for restless spirits. I’ve had the idea for a while now. When my husband Wayne and I moved from Phoenix, Arizona, to Jacksonville, Florida, we took a day trip to St. Augustine. As we drove past the fort (officially knownContinue Reading