I’m not exactly sure what Curious Events Day is. Who created it? What curious events does the day pay tribute to? What are the greatest curious events that have ever happened? How would you even classify such a thing? Could you? I don’t know. All I know for certain isContinue Reading

Thanks to our handy Weird Holidays and Observances calendar, we know today, May 3rd, is Paranormal Day. Last year we threw a party here on Haunt Jaunts for Paranormal Day. We invited others to share their posts for a sort of blog hop. It was fun, but I didn’t getContinue Reading

The New Year has begun and that means I’m updating some of the lists around here, like the Ghost Hunting & Etc. Events, Paracons & Horror Fests, and Calendar of Odd Dates pages. The last of which would would be incomplete without including 2017’s Friday the 13th appearances, right? ButContinue Reading

Hagia Sophia

According to our Weird Holidays & Observances Calendar, October 30 is Visit a Cemetery Day. (It’s also National Candy Corn Day, Mischief Night, and Haunted Refrigerator Day.) But this post is dedicated to Cemetery Day. I thought it’d be fun to revisit some of the most hauntingly beautiful cemeteries we’veContinue Reading

According to our Weird Holidays and Observances calendar, today, September 9, is Wonderful Weirdos Day. Since it’s also Friday, which we like to celebrate as Freaky Friday and/or Friday Fun whenever possible, we thought we’d have some fun sharing a few of the weirdest images we’ve come across from aContinue Reading

Did you know that August 30 is Frankenstein Day? Neither did we, until we stumbled across it on Holiday Insights, one of the Sources we used to create a brand new section here on Haunt Jaunts: Weird Holidays and Observances. It’s a calendar of the strange that’s geared towards anythingContinue Reading

August 2 thru August 6 is designated as Psychic Week. But according to an ABC News story from 2001, many psychics don’t even know there is such a week in their honor. Or didn’t. However, I’m thinking not much has changed in the last nine years because, even as nutsContinue Reading