November 19 is World Toilet Day. It’s not one of the days the Skeleton Crew and I track on our Weird Holidays & Observances page. So how did it come to my attention? It showed up on my iPhone’s calendar of all places. I’m not sure how it got there.Continue Reading

Few ghost tours have included stories that pricked the hairs on my arms, and kept them raised after, like the ones I heard during the Ghost Tours of Anchorage. I was excited about the tour because shortly after he started it, Richard, the tour’s proprietor, had reached out to letContinue Reading

Ghost Stories is a British horror movie that premiered in the U.K. in 2017. It was limited released in the U.S. in Spring 2018. It’s set for streaming and DVD consumption on September 4, 2018. I learned about it after I saw an article on that the Ghost Stories trailerContinue Reading

A friend of mine, Pamela K. Kinney, shared a new book with me: Southern Haunts: Devils in the Darkness. Turns out she’s one of the authors who has a story appearing in it. However, it caught my eye for more than just that reason. From the fiery abyss of theContinue Reading

It’s the end of the work week so that means it’s time again for your ghost stories and our next First Person Friday submission. This comes from someone I have just recently become fast friends with: Chip Reichenthal. If that names sounds at all familiar, it’s likely because he’s oneContinue Reading

Welcome to our very first First Person Fridays post! This one comes to us by way of Lindsay G. It’s a little unusual in that she’s sharing with us a conversation she was having on Facebook about her haunted house. Have a true ghost story you’d like to share? SeeContinue Reading

The other day I got an email from a Researcher/Booker with the show My Ghost Story. I was pretty excited because I’m a ham and would love to be on TV. I’ve often thought I’d like to tell about my experience at the Shilo Inn. I’m biased, but I thinkContinue Reading

What interesting things I learned today at tennis from the girls on my team about ghosts right here in my own backyard! They all know about my spooky little blog, but I never really talk about it much with them. I tend to keep my writing stuff to myself unlessContinue Reading

On a recent visit to Paranormal Searchers I was intrigued by something I saw in their sidebar: The Stuart House Recordings. I clicked the image and was taken to a blog post about it.   Whoa. It reminded me of a combo of The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity, even though its TwitterContinue Reading

The other day when I passed on the Paranormal Community Leadership Award Dinell Holmes of Weekly Spectre passed to me I failed to include three people: Andrea Alison of Ghost Stories – She’s been in this paranormal blogging game longer than anyone else I follow. (In fact, she just celebrated her 6thContinue Reading

Thanks to Courtney, I can post this short announcement (well, at least I think she agreed to this). As some of you may know, Courtney is into Lymphoma Research Foundation – she donates a portion of the income from Haunt Jaunts ads to their research. That inspired me, and that’sContinue Reading

If all has gone as planned, today we should be docked in Key West. (I must confess. I actually wrote this before we left to post while we’re gone. That’s why the “if all has gone as planned” statement.) At any rate, I thought since I was in Florida, I’dContinue Reading