I’m usually not one to say “I tried to warn you” or “I told you so.” Mainly because usually I don’t express my theories or predictions publicly. However, at the beginning of April I wrote “April,  Saturn, & Mercury Retrograde: Something Wicked This Way Comes.” It sure provoked a lotContinue Reading

Orkut Myspace Thank You Comments & Graphics I just want to take a second and thank everybody who’s taken the time to follow HJ not only here on the blog, but also on Twitter or Facebook. In the last month I’ve made a big push to get as many TwitterContinue Reading

I about had myself throwing up earlier knowing that my big interview on Better Nashville was airing today. I don’t know why. I should’ve probably had that reaction when I taped it, right? But all week I’ve thought about what I should’ve said, or why didn’t I answer questions aContinue Reading

This morning on the news I heard a story that made me mad: how some airlines are now charging for blankets. At first, I thought maybe I was dreaming. After all, I wasn’t quite awake. My husband had turned on the TV to see if he could get a weatherContinue Reading

A while back I wrote about the Ghost Hunters effect being an Oprah-esque boon for paranormal tourism. Ghost Hunters has certainly sparked the imaginations of the masses. Smart non-profits found a way to cash in on that by offering ghost hunts to help supplement their revenue streams. However, during myContinue Reading

Okay, it’s been a world wind day of International Haunt Jaunts. As I promised in my first post today, our last stop is Down Under. We’re there because of the photo at left, which was taken while on a ghost tour at Barwon Park mansion in Australia. I snagged aContinue Reading

I know, yet another face lift. This makes like how many in the past two months? I’ve lost count myself. If I may, let me explain… After Autumnforest and Susan left comments pointing out the small font on the other style I just picked last week, I couldn’t rest. ButContinue Reading

Today I got a very disturbing email from one of my husband’s friends. Wayne has known this guy, who I’ll simply refer to as Big J, for years –since the mid-90s when we lived in Phoenix and they worked together for a company there. Big J and his family areContinue Reading

We’re fast approaching the Haunt Jaunting high season. Yes, I’m talking about that month of October when ghost tours, ghost hunting tours/classes, and haunted houses (of the variety that crop up around this time of year) move to the top of everyone’s To Do list. But something you don’t seeContinue Reading

I was very saddened to hear the news late last night that Patrick Swayze had finally succumbed to his cancer. Normally I wouldn’t write about a celebrity’s death, but he was in Ghost. I figured if nothing else I could tie that in with the usual theme of blog. ButContinue Reading

Recently I’ve run into a string of of Haunt Jaunts with ghosts named Lydia. The first time I noticed it was when I wrote about the Blake Street Vault. They have a ghost named Lydia. The name stood out at me because I have a friend named Lydia. In fact, she’sContinue Reading