We had some great entries for the #MyHJSelfie Halloween Costume Contest. We had seven categories to choose winners for. However, we goofed on our original post and listed “Most Original” twice. One of those should’ve been “Cutest.” Didn’t catch that until now. Best Couples Costume AND Most Original Costume: VampireContinue Reading

I’ve done the drawing for the Pre-Halloween Mega Goody Giveaway. Before I announce the winner, I’ll note something I said in the drawing video. (Yes, I did record it this time. It will be posted on HJ’s Facebook page if you’re interested in seeing it.) CAN’T HAVE A GIVEAWAY WITHOUTContinue Reading

My birthday is 5 days before Halloween. Other than “that explains a lot, Susan” it also means that, as a kid growing up, one of my birthday presents was always my Halloween costume. Even at a young age, I knew that was a bit of a cop-out-rip-off birthday present, butContinue Reading