In April of this year Haunt Jaunts celebrated its fourth anniversary. Unfortunately, since I was taking time off to deal with some new health and, consequently, emotional issues, I didn’t get a chance to celebrate like I normally would have. Today I would like to take a moment to celebrateContinue Reading

Haunt Jaunts first post went live March 31, 2009. At the time, I was several rounds into chemo, but not done yet. That wouldn’t come for a couple more months. March 31, 2009 was a day I finally felt well enough to get off the couch and move my lifeContinue Reading

As the days grow longer and the end of March draws near, I find myself remembering back to the time when my will to live was renewed. I’d made it through several rounds of chemo. I still had a few left to do, plus radiation to go. But I wasContinue Reading

At the end of this month, Haunt Jaunts will celebrate its third blogiversary. I want to do something meaningful again like I did the first year. I did a couple of things to celebrate then. One was a Guess the Followers contest where the person who guessed closest to theContinue Reading

It’s April 1st so that means it’s time to draw the winner of the Haunt Jaunts Revelation Blogiversary Contest. Because someone came very close to guessing my secret (not exact, but in the ballpark), I threw the $25 Chili’s gift card into the prize pot. Actually, I do believe theContinue Reading

Happy Birthday, Haunt Jaunts! It’s both hard to believe and amazing to me that it was only two years ago HJ was born. It continues to be the best thing that ever came from me having cancer. (Besides knowing just how very much those near and dear to me trulyContinue Reading