Just a quick note… If you’ve stopped by today, you’ve noticed a new look –and likely some of the new glitches. I’m working diligently to figure out how to move the Search function down, as well as fix a few other things going haywire in the sidebars. Since it requiresContinue Reading

I am notorious for being days, if not weeks, behind in making comments on all the blogs I follow. With my other biz picking up like it has and summer here with all the activities that brings, that means my time crunch is only going to get worse. (From nowContinue Reading

There were a lot of factors that went into giving birth to Haunt Jaunts. Like any pregnancy there was an egg and a sperm. But in HJ’s case I think there were actually multiple sperms. The egg was the basic idea, which first started off as being a book concept,Continue Reading