What is it with April? I’ve shared my theory here before (we’ll get to those links later) that I believe it’s a cursed month. It’s been a while since I went there though. But every April I can’t help but wonder, “What, when, where, and how will disaster strike thisContinue Reading

It’s April 1st so that means it’s time to draw the winner of the Haunt Jaunts Revelation Blogiversary Contest. Because someone came very close to guessing my secret (not exact, but in the ballpark), I threw the $25 Chili’s gift card into the prize pot. Actually, I do believe theContinue Reading

  I can’t help it. I’m obsessed with April. Specifically, the doom and chaos that seems to accompany it. Please Don’t Take Offense Last year when I shared my view that April is a cursed month it put a lot of people off. I can see why some people withContinue Reading

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Yesterday my husband sent me an email with a link to our April 2010 monthly horoscope. I interpreted it as our HORRORscope, because I didn’t much care for what it had to say. Which was basically that Saturn’s reentering Virgo for 14 weeks. (I’ve got a history with that planetContinue Reading