This is a guest contribution from Michelle Maxwell. Visiting a locale with a notably haunted past is an exciting experience (for better and for worse, depending on your stamina). Whether it’s an historic site, castle, private home, or city at large, paranormally lively places are a fascinating sojourn into the seductiveContinue Reading

Please enjoy this guest contribution from H. Davis. Have you ever driven on the road and spotted an abandoned, creepy, old building – whether it’s an old factory, hospital, or house – and remember hearing rumors that it was haunted by the people who once lived there? Well, in someContinue Reading

A favorite place my husband and I like to get out and exercise not far from our Nashville home is at River Park in Brentwood, Tennessee. An extensive path system connects it to other area parks. One of them is the Primm Historic Park off of Wilson Pike. I’m rarelyContinue Reading

Something strange is going on in your house — your jewelry is beginning to go missing, only to be discovered in the strangest of locations a few days later. Maybe your pets are watching, playing, or reacting to something you can’t see. You hear unusual noises in the hallway atContinue Reading

As we learned from the most recent installment of Fey Fridays, the Halloween we know and love today originated back amongst the Celtics, in areas encompassing modern-day Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. Originally, this society saw November 1st to be the first day of the new year, andContinue Reading

With such a long history with witchcraft, witch trials, witches in popular culture, and more, it’s no wonder the black dress, pointed hat combo remains a popular staple in Halloween costume culture. There’s a big reason autumntime is referred to as the “season of the witch” too —  because itContinue Reading

It’s probably easy to guess the favorite holiday of anyone who spends their time jaunting here around the site — and that fact is no different for many of the fey folk who cross the Irish plains and hold a cozy place in the Unseelie Courts. It’s said that HalloweenContinue Reading

If you spent any time in a high school or university class, or maybe you’re just a fan of the classics, chances are you’ve been familiar with Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at at least one time or another. And while Shakespeare’s rendition of the fairy realm isn’t the originalContinue Reading

I’m sure many, like me, were absolutely entranced by the idea of a solar eclipse that crossed the entirety of the United States, something that hasn’t been seen for years, and won’t be seen again for many more. With eclipse glasses, t-shirts, and other swag-related marketing campaign tactics up thereContinue Reading

Are you planning on watching the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017? Where will you watch from? Some people aren’t able to take the day off work. Some employers have made plans to break for eclipse watching office parties during the big event. However, if you are off andContinue Reading

EarthSky used some of the most spine-tingling language I’ve ever read to describe what it’s like to see a total solar eclipse.  Among other things, they described them as “other-worldly” events that reveal the sun’s corona and “its apparition-like appearance.” According to EarthSky, day won’t suddenly become night. It willContinue Reading

While most witch tropes revolve around broomsticks, pointed hats, and black cats, the main witch in Slavic lore, Baba Yaga, doesn’t participate in any of these. While she does maintain the traditional physical appearance of a witch — long, spindly white hair, haggard appearance, skinny-to-the-bone arms and legs — ratherContinue Reading