Archive of the Afterlife Paranormal Museum logo

Revised May 22, 2019 May 18 is International Museum Day. It may seem like an innocuous day to include on the Weird Holidays & Observances listings, but not if you put a twist on it. Which, of course, I can’t help but to do. From paranormal and cryptozoology to witches,Continue Reading

  Thanks to the entertainment media and basically just a whole bunch of misinformation, the Voodoo religion and Voodoo dolls have gotten a bit of a bad wrap in modern years. In movies, they’re portrayed as having ties to Satanism and other dark magic, being used to curse or bodilyContinue Reading

Even after death, Marie Laveau works her voodoo magick. During her long life, not one person who knocked at her door was turned away. Now visitors and residents to New Orleans flock to her grave -knock on her door and leave an offering asking for help. The Voodoo Queen wasContinue Reading