As we learned from the most recent installment of Fey Fridays, the Halloween we know and love today originated back amongst the Celtics, in areas encompassing modern-day Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. Originally, this society saw November 1st to be the first day of the new year, andContinue Reading

With such a long history with witchcraft, witch trials, witches in popular culture, and more, it’s no wonder the black dress, pointed hat combo remains a popular staple in Halloween costume culture. There’s a big reason autumntime is referred to as the “season of the witch” too —  because itContinue Reading

While there exist a number of different instances of Spirit Photography tricking the masses into believing the paranormal (future posts incoming, wink wink), today we’re going to focus our attention on the emergence, starting with the father of Spirit Photos, William H. Mumler.Continue Reading

Spirits of the alcoholic variety are on my mind today because everywhere I look I’m reminded it’s St. Patrick’s Day. The green beer is flowing freely even in places that don’t have any Irish claim to fame. I’m not necessarily a fan of green beer, though. I know it doesn’tContinue Reading

I posted a new Discussions topic on the HJ FB Page: “Spirits Who Help: Ghosts or Angels?” Here’s what I posted there: I’ve been contemplating this for a long time. I always enjoy the Guardian Angel stories in Woman’s World, but am sometimes perplexed by Doreen Virtue’s suggestions. She oftenContinue Reading