Depending on how often you visit our site, you may or may not be aware we updated our header. It’s not a completely new look. Same style as our old one, just with some new photos. We wanted a refreshed look for the New Year. And we had a wholeContinue Reading

The other day I came across a ghost movie trivia quiz I’d put together a while back. I thought it’d be fun to do something different for Movie Monday. Like a match the ghost movie to its rightful quote quiz. Movie buffs might have fun with this one. Might. IContinue Reading

Okay fellow Haunt Jaunters, I concocted a little Friday Fun for you in the form of a quiz today. Test your haunted places knowledge…if you dare. (It’s not very hard. I fully expect you all to ace it 100%. I’ll have to work on coming up with a tougher quizContinue Reading