I have been waiting how long to see Ghost from the Machine, formerly known as Phasma Ex Machina? Well, I guess about that long. Back before it got its new name, artwork and distribution. Matt Osterman, the film’s writer and director, was kind enough to send me a DVD ahead ofContinue Reading

Yesterday I was experiencing some server problems (Blogger, you better not have given my beloved WordPress your cooties!) so I wasn’t able to share some super exciting information that came to my inbox yesterday for Movie Monday. I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Phasma Ex Machina for overContinue Reading

It’s been a year since the movie Phasma Ex Machina came to my attention. I was instantly excited about it. It looked intense, thoughtful, and spooky. Not spooky in the sense of jump out of your seat scary, but psychologically haunting. I’ve watched it’s progress closely for the past year. IContinue Reading

I can’t wait until Movie Monday to talk about some movie news I have today. TONTINE MASSACRE First off, I made of point of watching the exclusive sneak peak of Tontine Massacre today. I loved the audition tapes it started out with. (Oh, and before I say more, it wasContinue Reading

I’ve kind of been neglecting Movie Mondays lately. I haven’t come across many coming attraction trailers that have really gripped me. And I for sure have not come across any that have griped me as much as Phasma Ex Machina. My enthusiasm for it hasn’t faded one iota since IContinue Reading

When Dane Whitehead of Phasma Ex Machina asked if I’d be interested in being a part of their “6 Questions With” series, I thought that was cool enough. But today I finally had a chance to check emails. (We have friends in and then we got all this snow I’veContinue Reading

I have not been as excited to share a Movie Monday trailer with you as I am to share this one for Phasma Ex Machina. I was a little worried I might not have a Movie Monday blog this week. Then I checked my followers on Twitter and saw @PhasmaExMachinaContinue Reading