With such a long history with witchcraft, witch trials, witches in popular culture, and more, it’s no wonder the black dress, pointed hat combo remains a popular staple in Halloween costume culture. There’s a big reason autumntime is referred to as the “season of the witch” too —  because itContinue Reading

According to our Weird Holidays and Observances calendar, today, September 9, is Wonderful Weirdos Day. Since it’s also Friday, which we like to celebrate as Freaky Friday and/or Friday Fun whenever possible, we thought we’d have some fun sharing a few of the weirdest images we’ve come across from aContinue Reading

Even though our Emporium has a blog that allows us to feature products we love from our affiliates, we still like to do it around here every now and then too. Especially at this time of year when thoughts are so focused on gift giving. While browsing our affiliates toContinue Reading