This is a guest contribution from Lisa Smalls. I lost someone close to me to a care accident when I was 17. Now at that age, we have this coping mechanism called youth. We think ourselves so indestructible during waking moments, we can trick ourselves into forgetting the bad thingContinue Reading

Last night I didn’t dream I went to Manderley again. Maybe because I’ve never been there. I did dream of Loretta Lynn’s Ranch, though. Probably because we just jaunted there this past weekend. It’s been on my list of haunted places I want to jaunt to in Tennessee. This weekendContinue Reading

This often shocks a lot of people, but even though I’ve had some personal paranormal experiences, I’m still probably more of a skeptic than a believer. Sure, I often have prophetic dreams. For instance, I dreamt of such biggies before they happened like 9/11, the Virginia Tech shooting, and theContinue Reading