Skeptical woman with raised eyebrow

A few months ago I tweeted about a couple of my paranormal pet peeves and asked which ones others had. Responses varied, but surprisingly there was one that many expressed the same peeve about. They felt most paranormal shows were an insult to their intelligence and they were over them.Continue Reading

“Believers” isn’t a movie, but it involves ghosts on a screen of sorts so I figured it’d make a good topic for Movie Monday. If you’re a fan of the show, you may already follow “Believers” on Facebook. If you do, then you probably also know their show got pickedContinue Reading

Saturday night I had THE best chat with Chris Hambright, the producer for the ghost hunting show Believers. Some of you may be saying, “Haven’t heard of it. What channel is it on?” If you click the link on their name or logo, it’ll take you to their YouTube channel.Continue Reading

I didn’t come across any cool new movies to share for Movie Monday today. (Besides which, Phasma Ex Machina has now set the benchmark. It’s going to take a lot to inspire me after seeing the trailer for that one. I am REALLY excited about it.) But never fear. IContinue Reading