The other day when I passed on the Paranormal Community Leadership Award Dinell Holmes of Weekly Spectre passed to me I failed to include three people: Andrea Alison of Ghost Stories – She’s been in this paranormal blogging game longer than anyone else I follow. (In fact, she just celebrated her 6thContinue Reading

I get the biggest charge out of Ask Doc Paranormal. He posts the most hilarious stories. Yet, they are also quite thought provoking. I finally got caught up on my blog reading and found a great one he’d posted a couple of weeks ago: “Tiny Insect Scares Predators Away ByContinue Reading

I stumbled across this funny story posted on Ask Doc Paranormal’s blog in my RSS feeds yesterday. It’s about some dumb-dumb burglar wanna-be who got busted trying to pass his up-to-no good trespassing butt off as a ghost hunter wanna-be. It’s short, so I copy & pasted it here. IContinue Reading